May 30, 2010

Who is Driving ?

There is a saying in my Mother tongue - Tamil which goes like this. மனம் ஒரு கொரங்கு. It means that our mind is like a Monkey. Or at least, let's assume that my mind is like one.  It keeps on pondering over something. All the time. Even during driving !
That's what i am going to write about. When i drive, if there is less traffic, my mind is outta driving. I start think about something else. Whether i should have bought the bike that just swift past me or whether the uncle speeding next to me will ever polish his soiled shoe or i will be calculating my mileage. Here speaks my mind...
"The mile-meter is at 183 when it came to reserve and i fueled a liter at 189. Now that my bike again came to reserve at 240, what is my mileage ? 240-183...40 + 17...Oh Shit...57 is my mileage. That's a shocking stat for Splendor+ standards.
And while doing this complicated math, i realized that i crossed the U-turn on my way. When did i cross it ? I had no idea what i was doing on the road during my thought-process minutes. I tell myself, Focus on the road you idiot. You will get hit. My mind is all Driving after that. Especially when there is congestion all over, i noticed that I focus only on sneaking through the traffic.
So it's interesting to see how the thought-process evokes based on the traffic. My Friend Sam told me about conscious and Sub-conscious. 
Though your conscious is only on the mileage math, the sub-conscious, something which the conscious isn't aware of, Drives ! It knows the route you commute. This will not possibly happen if you are going somewhere you haven't been before !
I'm not that good at psychology. This is puzzling me. How is my physical manages control the journey  without my knowledge ? If you know about this, please tell me. Who is Driving ? or What is Driving ?


  1. Nice post! Very interesting.

    Do check out my post here. I promise it’ll be funny :)

  2. I voted for you in the indiblogger contest, have a look at my post.


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